Print Research International is delighted to have the opportunity to sponsor “Byte the book” an event at The Club at the Ivy on the 19th September 2012.

Having attended a number of these events that is aimed at Authors, literary agents and illustrators who are interested in publishing and self publishing. The organisation’s four main aims  are to:

  1. Hold events where publishers and authors can network whilst learning about the latest developments in digital publishing
  2. Help authors achieve their goals by offering a team of publishing consultants for freelance editing, PR, design, marketing and writing services
  3. Raise the profiles of new and established writers and illustrators
  4. Connect with readers via book clubs and reviews

The title of the event on the 19th is:

“Lessons Book Publishing Can Learn from the Music Industry’.

The  panel  will include Chris Moyles UK MD of Spotify and Paul Brindley the MD of Musically.

to register for the event or join the Byte the book group go to

If you want to tweet about the night, before at or after the event, or if you want to follow those that are tweeting, the hashtag is #bytethebook.

If you want to learn a little more about Byte the Book please do take a look at their website