Print Research International (Pr-int) is a business consultancy organisation focused on the print media sector. It was founded in 2009 by John Charnock the then Group Technical Director at St Ives. John believed that, although consultancy tended to have a bad name in printing, a professional service utilising his wide network of experts and friends could help organisations to find their way through the technology changes that have, and continue to, impact the industry.
Coming from an executive level position where he was spending over £35 Million of technology every year he saw the changes that were coming and understood how businesses often were overawed by the choices that needed to be made. He developed a program that helps organisations to prioritise and work strategically to build a foundation for business growth. After more than 7 years of consultancy he has continued to develop these programs and with other partners developed a business and individual development program that really does help organisations.
The essence of PR-INT is to be the organisation of choice for companies and manufacturers to gain knowledge and understanding of the changing face of the international printing industry. Pr-int has a global network of experts and consultants who specialise in unique disciplines years of knowledge and expertise in areas such as Design, Branding, Marketing, Software Development, MIS, Print technology, Training, Process Control, Business Management, Finance, ROI, Web to Print solutions and substrate / consumables expertise.
We assist businesses in many ways but have also developed a comprehensive program of review for businesses wishing to change and adapt. We call the process ’6 principles of business’. This multidisciplinary review of business looks at every aspect of how an organisation functions to ensure resources, planning and review is balanced and coordinated. These 6 principals enable an organisation to function in all areas; management, business intelligence, resource management and protection, communication and execution, efficiency and process effectiveness and strategy.
When we review a business we look at if the organisation has a balance of “Magic & Logic”. Magic is the entrepreneurial, logic is the process aspects of the way the organisation is managed. – Too much magic and not enough logic nothing gets delivered effectively and the other way around the business stagnates and doesn’t move forward. In our view consultancy is not bringing some one in who has all the answers but is to be the catalyst within the organisation to help challenge, advise and debate the best way forward so the the business owners can be confident that they are making decisions that are best for the business. We want to be your Trusted Adviser